The relationship between Science and Conscience

We are aware of our responsibility in order to keep a healthy environment for the next generations, thus we aim to continue vine growing, preserving the original soil composition and not harming the flora and fauna in the area that make this place special and unique.

The soil where Coloma vineyard stands is of alluvial origin, therefore rocks and stones are predominant. These stones and rocks have been shaped along the years by the river Guadiana creating round pebbles.

Coloma’s both stony and sandy soil can keep the heat during the day, then releasing it at night; this has an accelerating effect on the maturation of grapes. Our grape harvest is among the earliest in the Northern Hemisphere. Stones also help to maintain ground humidity during the dry, hot Summer months.

A singular type of soil with privileged characteristics and a wide varietal garden grant the possibility of producing premium quality wines with a strong sense of terroir.

Como yo nadie te amará. El amor verdadero es puro y auténtico cada día, disfruta con Vino siempre.


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